Inglês Anos Finais

Atividade de Inglês - Partes da Casa - Questões com gabarito - 6º/ 7º ano

Lista de exercícios explorando a lenda da Iara, parte do folclore brasileiro, com reconhecimento dos elementos narrativos.

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    3. The house plan does not have:
    a) fourth.
    b) swimming pool.
    c) kitchen.
    d) living room.

    5. The text promotes the sale of
    a) a store.
    b) an apartment.
    c) a house.
    d) terrain.

    6. The text presents the house with
    a) 1 bathroom.
    b) 2 kitchens.
    c) 2 living rooms.
    d) 3 bedrooms.

      8. Which sentence best describes the picture?

      a) It is a bathroom.
      b) It is a laundry room.
      c) It is a bedroom.
      d) It is a living room.

      9. O que o Marcos perguntou ao Paulo?

      a) How much bedrooms are there in this house?
      b) How many bedrooms there are in this house?
      c) How much bedrooms is there in this house?
      d) How many bedrooms are there in this house?

      10) The image below is of
      a) a room.
      b) a bathroom.
      c) a kitchen..
      d) a living room.

      • 1(4/6/3/1/5/2) / 2C / 3B / 4A / 5C / 6D / 7D / 8C / 9D / 10C
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