Atividade de Língua Inglesa de Interpretação e Compreensão Leitora sobre a páscoa para o 7º ano, 8º ano e 9º ano com gabarito.
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Read the text and answer the questions 1 – 5.
Easter is the most important festival in the Christian church year. It begins with Good Friday. The Romans killed Jesus Christ in Jerusalem about two thousand years ago. Christians believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion.
Why is Easter on a different day each year? This is because Easter Sunday is the Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring (21 March).
Easter eggs, Easter Rabbit (Easter Bunny) and sending Easter cards are tradition not only in Britain. The cards are often in green or yellow or show baby animals, because lots of animals are born in spring. This tradition goes back to the 19th century.
But there are also other important traditions.
1. According to the text, for whom is Easter important?
a) For Jesus Christ.
b) For the Romans.
c) For the Christians.
d) For the Church.
2. What is the significance of Easter in the Christian church year?
a) It commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
b) Because the Romans killed Jesus.
c) Because Jesus was betrayed.
d) Jesus’ death is commemorated.
3. How is the date for Easter Sunday determined each year?
a) It is randomly chosen.
b) it is calculated based on the first full moon after the first day of spring.
c) The church decides the date of the celebration.
d) It is determined from the second full moon.
4. What are some traditional Easter symbols in Britain?
a) Sending Easter cards and flowers.
b) Easter eggs and carrots.
c) Easter eggs and sending Easter cards.
d) Sending Easter cards and hot chocolate.
5. Why do Easter cards often feature baby animals?
a) Because the rabbits are born in spring.
b) Because the cards are yellow.
c) Because the cards are green.
d) Because many animals are born in spring.
Read the text and answer the questions 6 – 10.
Eggs are a popular part of Easter celebrations, as they are a symbol of new life. Traditionally, people paint chicken eggs and decorate them with bright colors. Nowadays, chocolate eggs are just as popular as the traditional kind! There are many different Easter egg traditions around the world.
In the UK, as well as many other countries, lots of people take part in Easter egg hunts, and go hunting for chocolate eggs in parks and gardens.
Egg rolling is also popular in many places. Eggs are boiled, then painted and then rolled down a hill. The challenge is to roll your egg down the hill without it breaking! There is even an annual ‘Easter Egg Roll’ every Easter Monday in the grounds of the White House in Washington DC.
In places like Poland and Ukraine, a special technique is used to make beautiful colored designs on eggs, which are known as pisanki or pysanky.
In some parts of Mexico, there is a tradition of filling empty eggs with confetti. When you break the egg, or cascarone, over someone’s head, the colorful shower of confetti is said to bring them good luck.
Source: https://learnenglishteens
6. What are some traditional ways of decorating eggs during Easter?
a) Pintam ovos de galinha e os decoram de azuis.
b) Pintam ovos de galinha e os decoram com cores vivas.
c) Pintam ovos de coelhos e os decoram com cores fortes.
d) Pintam ovos de galinha e os decoram de cor marrom.
7. Where is the annual ‘Easter Egg Roll’ held every Easter Monday?
a) No terreno da Casa Branca em Washington DC.
b) No terreno da Casa Branca em Nova York.
c) No palácio de Versalhes.
d) Em lugares como Ucrânia e Polônia.
8. What is a cascarone, and where is it a tradition?
a) Um ovo cheio de chocolate e é uma tradição em algumas partes da Polônia.
b) Um ovo cheio de chocolate e é uma tradição em algumas partes do México.
c) Um ovo vazio cheio de confete e é uma tradição em algumas partes da Ucrânia.
d) Um ovo vazio cheio de confete e é uma tradição em algumas partes do México.
9. What do Mexicans believe happens when you break a cascarone over someone’s head?
a) Traz saúde.
b) Traz riqueza.
c) Traz boa sorte.
d) Traz fartura.
10. What is the significance of eggs in Easter celebrations?
a) Uma nova vida.
b) Comemorar com chocolates.
c) Abundância e saúde.
d) Riqueza e fartura.
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Objeto do conhecimento: Interpretação de texto – Páscoa.
Objetivo da Aula: Desenvolver a leitura e interpretação de textos em inglês sobre tradições culturais da Páscoa.
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Por Jander Vagner
Licenciado em Ciências Biológicas e em Língua Inglesa. Especialista em tradução e interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa.
O conteúdo foi revisado e certificado pela equipe de Redação do Tudo Sala de Aula.