Simulado de Inglês (12) de Interpretação de Texto e Compreensão Leitora para o 6º ano, 7º ano, 8º ano e 9º ano com gabarito.
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Leia o texto e responda às questões 1 e 2.
Hi There!
Hi there! So glad you came.
Hi there! So glad you came.
Hi there! So glad you came.
1-2-3 let’s shout “Hurray!”
Hi there! So glad you’re here.
Hi there! So glad you’re here.
Hi there! So glad you’re here.
1-2-3 let’s give a cheer!
1. (CAEd) Nesse texto, na expressão “So glad you’re here.”, a palavra destacada significa
a) ansioso.
b) confiante.
c) engraçado.
d) feliz.
2. (CAEd) Nesse texto, na expressão “Hi there!”, a linguagem utilizada é
a) científica.
b) coloquial.
c) formal.
d) técnica.
Leia o texto abaixo.
Turtles born on beach in Mumbai for first time in 20 years after mass litter clean-up
Turtles have hatched on a beach that just three years ago was teeming with thousands of tons of plastic litter. About 90 hatchlings scuttled to the sea after being born at Versova beach on the eastern side of Mumbai, India, after a huge three-year clean-up operation.
It was the first time in nearly 20 years that young Olive Ridley turtles have been born at the stretch that faces the Arabian Sea.
A lawyer, Afroz Shah, launched a huge volunteer project in 2015 to clear the area of the 5,000 tons of litter, which in places was 5ft deep. It was so successful that the UN called it the world’s largest beach clean-up. […]
3. (CAEd) A informação principal desse texto é
a) a profundidade do mar arábico.
b) a quantidade de lixo retirado em praias do mundo.
c) o nascimento de tartarugas após a despoluição de uma praia.
d) o tempo que demora para despoluir uma praia.
Leia o texto e responda às questões 4 e 5.
4. (CAEd) Nesse texto, a palavra “appetite” significa
a) desejo.
b) mordida.
c) pedaço.
d) subida.
5. (CAEd) O objetivo desse texto é
a) divertir o leitor.
b) fazer um convite.
c) instruir o leitor.
d) noticiar um fato.
Leia o texto abaixo.
Weather Watch
Thunderclouds gather near the town of Müllrose, Germany, on April 9. These unusual formations are called mammatus clouds. Their shape can vary. Here, bulges emerge from the base of the cloud.
6. (CAEd) Nesse texto, na palavra “unusual”, o prefixo “un-” foi usado para
a) apontar repetição.
b) indicar negação.
c) marcar excesso.
d) sugerir anterioridade.
Leia o texto abaixo.
That’s Why
Why does a squirrel have a bushy tail? It’s for…
A. storing nuts.
B. keeping up with fashion trends.
C. staying warm in winter.
The answer is C. When a squirrel is in a tree, it uses its tail for balance. This helps it move from branch to branch. But the tail also keeps the animal warm in winter. A squirrel curls into a ball,using its tail as a blanket.
7. (CAEd) Nesse texto, a palavra “curls” significa
a) caçar.
b) cachear.
c) encolher.
d) virar.
Leia o texto abaixo.
LAM, Chow Hon
8. (CAEd) Entende-se desse texto que
a) o jacaré estava buscando por presas.
b) o jacaré estava cuidando do seu habitat.
c) os patos fizeram amizade com o jacaré.
d) os patos queriam ajudar a juntar o lixo.
Leia o texto e responda às questões 9 e 10.
Best Job in the World
Meet Huang Shunjie. He might have the best job in the world. The 24-year-old is a panda photographer and zookeeper. Huang spends each day caring for 18 panda cubs at the Giant Panda Protection and Research Center, in China. He prepares their meals of bamboo and milk formula. He checks on their growth and health. And he carries these two-tone fluff-balls between their sleeping pens and their public enclosure.
The best part? “I can get very close to the baby pandas, which makes many people jealous,” Huang told TIME. “I get to hug them all the time.”
There are, of course, bad parts to any job. In Huang’s case, it’s the regular bites and scratches he gets from the 45- to 55-pound bears. But it’s a small price to pay to spend each day among the pandas’ roly-poly cuteness. They tumble around, balance on their heads, and bop around like furry toddlers. “I’m a full-time daddy for these fluffy baby pandas,” says Huang. […]
9. (CAEd) De acordo com esse texto, a parte ruim de trabalhar com pandas é
a) carregá-los no colo.
b) chegar perto dos bebês.
c) preparar as refeições.
d) receber arranhões.
10. (CAEd) Nesse texto, no trecho “But it’s a small price to pay…” (3º parágrafo), o termo destacado foi usado para
a) apontar oposição.
b) indicar adição.
c) marcar conclusão.
d) sugerir explicação.
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