Inglês Anos Finais

Atividade com How Much e How Many - Com gabarito

Lista de exercícios sobre os quantificadores "how much" e "how many", visando à identificação e ao uso correto.

Planejamento para o professor

4. Sabendo que How Many é utilizado com substantivos contáveis, marque a alternativa que o uso desse quantificador está correto:
a) How many sugar do you need for the recipe?
b) How many milk is in the fridge?
c) How many time do we have before the movie starts?
d) How many vegetables did you buy at the grocery store?

    8. Na passagem “She knew she had to estimate (1)______________  people were coming to the party to figure out (2) ______________  food to buy.” Traduz-se para “Ela sabia que tinha que estimar quantas pessoas viriam à festa para descobrir quanta comida comprar.”
    1 (     ) How many    (    ) How Much
    2 (     ) How many    (     ) How Much

    9. No trecho: “______________  cans of soda should I get?” com tradução para: “Quantas latas de refrigerante devo pegar?”
    (     ) How many    (    ) How Much

    10. No seguinte fragmento: “She wondered ______________  pasta should I cook? ” Pode ser traduzido para: “Ela se perguntou quanta de massa (macarrão) devo cozinhar?
    (     ) How many    (    ) How Much

      • 1. How many people are invited?; How much time do you have?; How many cousins do you have?; How much sugar would you like?; How many books did you buy?; How much money did you spend?./ 2. a. How much; b. How many; c. How much; d. How much; e. How many; f. How many. / 3B / 4D / 5. How many bananas are you buying?, How much chicken are you buying?, How much milk are you buying?, How many tomatoes are you buying?, How many loaves of bread are you buying?. / 6. a. How much; b. How much; c. How much; d. How many. / 7. How Much. / 8. 1- How many. 2- How Much. / 9. How many. / 10. How Much.
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