Interpretação de Texto em Inglês - Minha Bela Família - 6º e 7º ano - com gabarito

Interpretação de Texto em Inglês - Minha Bela Família - 6º e 7º ano - com gabarito

Atividade de Inglês de Interpretação e Compreensão Leitora "MY BEAUTIFUL FAMILY" para o 6º ano e 7º ano com gabarito.

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Read the text below and answer questions 1 – 5


     I live in a house near the beach. I have two brothers and one sister, and I am the youngest. My father teaches English, and my mother is a nurse at a big hospital. My brothers are very smart and work hard in school. My sister is a curious girl, but she is very kind. My grandmother also lives with us. She came from Mexico when I was two years old. She is old, but she is still very strong. She cooks the best food!
     My family is very important to me. We do lots of things together. My brothers and I like to go on long walks in the mountains. My sister likes to cook with my grandmother. On the weekends we all play board games together. We laugh and always have a good time. I love my family very much.


1. How many brothers and sisters does the narrator have?
a) Two brothers and one sister.
b) Three brothers and one sister.
c) One brother and two sisters.
d) Two sisters and one brother.

2. What does the narrator's father do for a living?
a) Works at a bank.
b) Works at a hospital.
c) Teaches at a school.
d) Teaches English.

3. Where did the narrator's grandmother come from?
a) Spain. 
b) Nigeria.
c) Mexico.
d) Canada.

4. What do the narrator and their brothers like to do together?
a) Play video games.
b) Go on long walks in the mountains.
c) Play soccer.
d) Watch TV.

5. What does the narrator like to do with their sister and grandmother?
a) Cook.
b) Play board games.
c) Go to the beach.
d) Watch movies.

6. Qual é o significado da palavra "Smart" na frase "My brothers are very smart and work hard in school"?
a) Bonito.
b) Inteligente.
c) Na moda.
d) Atlético.

7. Qual é o significado da expressão "Work hard" na frase "My brothers are very smart and work hard in school"?
a) Eles trabalham em um emprego depois da escola.
b) Eles não se esforçam muito na escola.
c) Eles têm muito dever de casa para fazer.
d) Eles se esforçam muito em seus trabalhos escolares.

8. Qual é o significado da expressão “Have a good time” contida na frase “We laugh and always have a good time"?
a) Aborrecer-se.
b) Atrapalhar-se.
c) Divertir-se.
d) Confundir-se.

9. Qual é o sujeito da frase "My sister is a curious girl, but she is very kind"?
a) Curiosa.
b) Garota.
c) Gentil.
d) Minha irmã.

10. Que tipo de frase é a seguinte: "We laugh and always have a good time."?
a) Afirmativa.
b) Imperativa.
c) Interrogativa.
d) Exclamativa.

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