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Men fall into chocolate
The men fall into a tank full of chocolate. […] The men try to get out. It is not possible.
Emergency workers come. They try to pull the men out. They can’t do it. They must put a hole in the tank.
The work takes about one hour to get the men out. They go to hospital.
Officials say that the men are not hurt. They now must find out how the men fall in the tank.
(CAEd) O assunto desse texto é
Leia o texto e responda às questões 3 e 4.
(CAEd) Entende-se desse texto que
(CAEd) No segundo quadrinho desse texto, no trecho “I fit perfectly…”, a palavra destacada tem o mesmo sentido de
Leia o texto e responda às questões 6, 7 e 8.
(CAEd) Entende-se desse texto que
(CAEd) O objetivo desse texto é
(CAEd) Nesse texto, a palavra “joke” tem o mesmo sentido de
Leia o texto e responda às questões 9 e 10.
Tigers and a Dog
A zookeeper named Jeanette took the […] cubs1 into her home. She gave them some milk.
Now, the cubs live in her living room.
The dog Leon quickly adopted the cubs. He is like their teacher. The cubs want to be near him all of the time. He tries to educate them. They spend some time together. They also play together. […]
(CAEd) O assunto desse texto é
(CAEd) Nesse texto, no trecho “A dog in Germany is helping…” (1º parágrafo), os termos destacados foram utilizados para
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