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Cheese Pizza Topped With Cotton Candy? Yum!
(CAEd) Qual é o assunto desse texto?
(CAEd) O objetivo comunicativo desse texto é
(CAEd) No título desse texto, a expressão “Yum!” é um exemplo de linguagem
Leia o texto e responda às questões 5 e 6.
My Cat Knows Karate
My frog knows kung fu.
My poodle knows judo.
My turtle does too.
by watching TV;
some Chuck Norris movies,
and films with Bruce Lee.
They liked learning lessons
from Jean-Claude Van Damme,
and acting like action-film star
Jackie Chan.
their blocks, and their kicks
until they were masters
of martial arts tricks.
at guarding our house,
but, yesterday morning,
they ran from my mouse.
I laughed at his prank.
Do you think it’s weird that
my mouse drives a tank?
(CAEd) De acordo com esse texto, quem sabe karatê?
(CAEd) Nesse texto, nos versos “and acting like action-film star/ Jackie Chan.” (3ª estrofe), a palavra destacada significa
Leia o texto e responda às questões 7 e 8.
Black hole in our galaxy
(CAEd) A informação principal desse texto é
(CAEd) Nesse texto, no trecho “… because the black hole’s gravity is under extreme conditions.”, o termo destacado indica
Leia o texto e responda às questões 9 e 10.
The Science of Puppy Love
Playing with and petting a dog helps the children get well. How? Scientists found that dogs help our brains and bodies feel better. When we are playing with or petting a dog (and other pets), our brains make a special chemical. This chemical makes us feel more relaxed and loved. It also helps us better handle things that may make us feel upset.
(CAEd) O assunto desse texto é
(CAEd) Nesse texto, no trecho “It also helps us better handle things…” (2º parágrafo), a palavra destacada significa
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