Inglês Anos Finais

Atividade verbo to be no Simple Future - Com gabarito

Conjunto de exercícios explorando as formas do verbo 'to be' no futuro simples, aplicando-as a contextos variados.

Exercícios atividade verbo to be no simple future

1. O futuro simples do verbo “to be” é formado por um verbo auxiliar. Sobre esse verbo, marque-o em uma das alternativas a seguir.
a) Is
b) Are
c) Will
d) Were

2. Leia atentamente as sentenças a seguir e marque a única que se encontra no “simple future” do verbo “to be”.
a) Denis and Camila were at the park yesterday.
b) Clara and Jhon will be happy with the news.
c) You are wearing a nice dress.
d) Camila is a talented musician.

3. Preencha as lacunas nas frases abaixo com a forma correta do verbo “to be” no “simple future”.
a) Carla, Jorge and me _________________ at the party tomorrow.
b) Sheila ________________________ a famous actress in the future.
c) Carlos and Tina ___________________ excited about the trip next week.
d) I _____________ ready for the challenge.
e) The weather ___________________ sunny tomorrow.
f) It ___________________ a great party.
g) We ____________________ traveling to Europe next summer.
h) The concert ___________________ held in the park.

4. Reescreva as seguintes frases no “simple future”, usando a forma correta do verbo “to be”.

a) I am at home now.

7. Utilize as frases da questão 6ª e as converta para a forma contraída e negativa do verbo “to be” no “simple future”.

8. Busque no parágrafo a seguir, frases que estejam na forma contraída negativa do verbo “to be” no “simple future”.

Tomorrow will be a busy day for me. In the morning, I have a meeting that I cannot miss, so I will be there on time. However, in the afternoon, I won’t be available as I have a doctor’s appointment. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend the team’s training session. They will be disappointed, but I won’t be able to reschedule. Despite that, I am confident that the team won’t be affected by my absence. They won’t let it hinder their progress, and I know they will perform well in the upcoming match.

Planejamento para o professor

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