Inglês Anos Finais

Atividades de Inglês para o 5º ano - Ensino Fundamental

Atividades de Língua Inglesa destinadas a alunos dos anos iniciais, com o objetivo de ampliar o repertório vocabular por meio da tradução de situações e objetos do cotidiano.

Planejamento para o professor

1. Atividade Plural dos Substantivos


1.  Ônibus – Buses, Maças – Apples, Caixas – Boxes, Batatas – Potatoes, Garotas – Girls, Cidades – Cities, Homens – Men, Mulheres – Women, Pessoas – People, Carros – Cars / 2. (E) Skirts, (C) Teeth, (F) Children, (H) Countries, (A) Parties, (G) Feet, (J) Houses, (B) Books, (I) Birds, (D) Boys / 3. (a) Eyes, (b) Legs, (c) Fingers, (d) Hands. / 4. Islands, Hands, Shoes, Hats, Pencils, Dishes, Flowers, Bags.

2. Atividade Pronomes Pessoais


1. He – Ele, It – Ele/Ela – animais e objetos, They – Eles/Elas, We – Nós, I – Eu, You – Você, She – Ela, You – Vocês. / 2. (d) She, (f) You, (c) I, (a) We, (e) They, (b) He. / 3. (a) It, (b) She, (c) He, (d) They, (e) They / 4. (a) It, (b). She, (c) We, (d) He.

3. Atividade Números Cardinais


1. (a) 23 – twenty-three, (b) 38 – thirty-eight, (c) 45 – forty-five, (d) 52 – fifty-two, (e) 67 – sixty-seven, (f) 71 – seventy-one, (g) 84 – eighty-four, (h) 96 – ninety-six, (i) 100 – one hundred, (j) 109 – one hundred and nine. / 2. (c) Eight hundred and fifty-six, (a) Two hundred and ten, (e) Six hundred and forty-eight, (b) Four hundred and thirty-seven, (d) One thousand. / 3. (a) 60 + 60 = 120 (one hundred and twenty), (b) 70 + 70 = 140 (one hundred and forty), (c) 80 + 80 = 160 (one hundred and sixty), (d) 50 + 17 = 67 (sixty-seven), (e) 33 + 43 = 76 (seventy-six) / 4. 99-ninety-nine, 77-seventy-five, 32-thirty-two, 55-fifty-five, 13-thirteen.

4. Atividade Números Ordinais


1. 1st – first, 2nd – second, 3rd – third, 4th – fourth, 5th – fifth, 6th – sixth, 7th – seventh, 8th – eighth, 9th – ninth, 10th – tenth / 2. (c) Eleventh, (a) Thirteenth, (b) Fifteenth, (e) Twelfth, (d) Fourteenth / 3. Sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth. / 4. Terceiro lugar.

5. Atividade Saudações


1. (a) Take care – Cuide-se, (b) See you later – Até logo, (c) Long time no see – Quanto tempo! / Há quanto tempo não nos vemos!, (d) Nice to meet you – Prazer em conhecê-lo(a), (e) What’s up – E aí? / O que está acontecendo?, (f) Good morning – Bom dia, (g) Good afternoon – Boa tarde, (h) Good evening – Boa noite (quando cumprimenta alguém à noite), (i) Good night – Boa noite (quando se despede à noite), (j) Hi – Oi. / 2. (d) Good Evening, (b) Good Afternoon, (a) Good Night, (c) Good Morning. / 3. See you later / 4. What’s up?

6. Atividade Nacionalidade


1. (a) Colombian, (b) South African, (c) English, (d) Chinese, (e) German, (f) Canadian. / 2. Conferir no diagrama. / 3. JAPAN – Japanese, FRANCE – French, ARGENTINA -, Argentine/Argentinian, BRAZIL – Brazilian / 4. (h) Swiss, (a) Moroccan, (b) Ethiopian, (c) Senegalese, (d) Ghanaian, (I) Slovakia, (j) Dutch, (e) Thai, (f) Nicaraguan, (g) Swedish.

    7. Atividade Verbo To Be – Forma Afirmativa


    1. I am, You are, He/she/it is , We are, They are. / 2. (a) are, (b) are, (c) is, (d) am, (e)  is. / 3. (a) is, (b) is, (c) is, (d) is, (e) are. / 4. (b) Marcela, (b) Andrew, (a) Marcela and I, (c) I, (a) Antony and Miguel, (a) You, (b) She, (b) Kylie, (a) Kylie and Marcela, (b) He.

      8. Atividade Verbo To Be – Forma Negativa


      1. I am not, You are not, He is not, She is not, It is not, We are not, They are not. / 2. I’m not, You aren’t, He isn’t, She isn’t, It isn’t, We aren’t, They aren’t. / 3. (a) The weather isn’t (is not) good for a picnic today, (b) You aren’t (are not) late for the meeting, (c) I’m not (I am not) hungry right now, (d) They aren’t (are not) from Spain; they’re from Italy, (e) She isn’t (is not) happy with her exam results. / 4. (a) is not, (b) is not on the table, (c) is not, (d) is not, (e) are not.

        9. Atividade Verbo To Be – Forma Interrogativa


        1. Am I…?, Are you…?, Is he/she/it…?, Are we…?, Are you…?, Are they…? / 2. a) Are we going the right way?, b) Are you feeling okay?, c) Is he coming to the party?, d) Are they sisters?, e) Am I late?, f) Are you a student? / 3. a) Is John ready for the meeting?, b) Are Sarah and David coming to the concert?, c) Is Emma a doctor?, d) Are Mike and Lisa married?, e) Is James the new manager? / 4. a) Is Mary tired after her workout?, b) Are Robert and Emily married to each other?, c) Is Alex interested in playing video games?, d) Is Samantha a fan of spicy food?

          10. Atividade Aparência Física


          1. Tall (Alto/Alta), Short (Baixo/Baixa), Long hair (Cabelo longo), Short hair (Cabelo curto), Bald (Careca), Curly hair (Cabelo cacheado), Straight hair (Cabelo liso), Wavy hair (Cabelo ondulado), Blonde hair (Cabelo loiro), Brunette hair (Cabelo castanho), Red hair (Cabelo ruivo), Gray hair (Cabelo grisalho), Blue eyes (Olhos azuis), Brown eyes (Olhos castanhos), Green eyes (Olhos verdes). / 2. a) alto. Cabelo castanho curto e olhos azuis, b) Cabelo longo e cacheado. Olhos verdes, c) Careca. Barda curta e grisalha. Olhos castanhos, d) Cabelo liso, loiro e curto. Olhos azuis. / 3. Resposta pessoal.

            11. Atividade Cores


            1. CINZA – Gray, BRANCO – White, PRETO – Black, MARROM – Brown, ROSA – Pink, ROXO – Purple, LARANJA – Orange, VERDE – Green, AMARELO – Yellow, AZUL – Blue, VERMELHO – Red. / 2. Orange, blue, brown, White, black, green, yellow, pink, purple, red. / 3. a) Brown, b) Purple, c) Gray, d) White.

            12. Atividade


            1. (c) Where, (f) What, (a) How, (d) Why, (e) Who, (b) When. / 2. a) Where: Where did you go on your vacation?, b) What: What is your favorite color?, c) How: How did you solve the math problem?, d) Why: Why are you late for class?, e. Who: Who is the new teacher in our school?, f. When: When is your birthday? / 3. Who, When, What, What.

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