Inglês Anos Finais

Atividade de Inglês: substantivos contáveis e incontaveis - Anos Finais

Conjunto de exercícios que explora substantivos contáveis e incontáveis em diferentes contextos.

Planejamento para o professor

1. Analise as palavras do quadro e escreva COUNTABLE para os substantivos contáveis e UNCOUNTABLE para os incontáveis.

a) There is some __ in the fridge.
b) I have three __ in my bag.
c) She needs some __ for the cake.
d) Can you buy a __ of bread?

3. Complete as frases abaixo com “much” ou “many.”
a) How ____ apples do we need? 
b) I don’t have ______ time. 
c) They have _____ questions. 
d) She has ____ experience. 

4. Observe os substantivos destacados no parágrafo e responda:

a) There are a few books on the shelf.
b) There are much books on the shelf.
c) There are a books on the shelf.
d) There are a lot of books on the shelf.

8. Considerando o substantivo “help”, a alternativa que melhor traduz a frase abaixo é:

Preciso de um pouquinho de ajuda.

a) I need a little help.
b) I need a several help.
c) I need some help.
d) I need a help.

9. Observe a imagem e responda:

  • 1. Uncountable; Countable; Uncountable; Counatble; Uncountable; Countable. / 2. a) Milk. b) Books. c) Sugar. d) Loaf. / 3. a) Many. b) Much. c) Many. d) Much. / 4. a) Eggs/apples. b) Sugar; flour; milk. / 5. a) There is a car in the parking lot. b) There are children in the park. c) We need to buy a banana. d) She drank glasses of milk. / 6. a) Michael has blue eyes. b) Simone has black hair. / 7D / 8A / 9. a) Incontável. b) Snow = neve. / 10. a) Contável. b) Shoes = sapatos.
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